Ear & Eye Drops for Dogs

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Canine eye and ear complaints are never pleasant and can have a detrimental effect on a dog's general well-being, hindering their quality of life and discouraging activity and engagement. That’s why ear and eye drops for dogs are incredibly important. It is vital to control and treat any complaint of the eyes or ears before it becomes exaggerated and causes excess pain, discomfort and aggravation to your canine companion.

For routine cleansing of dog's ears, our vet recommends Surosolve. It is a gentle and easy-to-use ear cleaning product with effective anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Surosolve can be used daily to treat sore or infected ears either alone or with prescribed ear drops. If in doubt, it is always beneficial to have your vet check a sore ear to ensure there is not another underlying problem.

For a routine eye cleanser, we recommend CleanOcular. This product helps promote and maintain healthy eyes, however, it is not an adequate treatment for more serious eye complaints. A veterinary examination is always best if you’re at all unsure.

View below for our full range of ear and eye drops for dogs, or click here for other non-prescription medication